(click through)Image credit: Chloe Page

Image credit: Chloe Page

Sound · Body · Space · Time is a long-term project investigating ideas around collective knowledge sharing and heightened understandings of what it means to listen. Current research into the vitality of the physical as a well as psychological voice in the face of sensory loss and taking into consideration Anne Karpf’s research into the overlooked and complex identity of the human voice, informs an interest in the affects certain experiences have on our psychosomatic presence in the world, whereby the body is often cancelled in the spaces it inhabits.

This has expanded into an investigation of how sound/sonics and the body might relate to spatialisation, and in turn the temporal qualities of the different areas of my research. Most recently this research has manifested through curating ‘Version’ by Ain Bailey.

‘Version, as thoughtfully curated by DASH resideny Hannah Wallis, speaks to how every bodily encounter falls between variously used and privileged senses.’

Frances Whorrall-Campbell, Art Monthly (No.449) September 2021, p.28.

For more information and to hear Ain talk about the exhibition, please click here.